شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات
تجربة هيدر2
اليوم: السبت 27 ابريل 2024 , الساعة: 10:37 م

اخر المشاهدات
الأكثر قراءة

مرحبا بكم في شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات

عزيزي زائر شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات.. تم إعداد وإختيار هذا الموضوع [ عبارات عن الأسرة ] 10 عبارات عن الأم وكلام رائع عن عيد الأم # اخر تحديث اليوم 2024-04-27 فإن كان لديك ملاحظة او توجيه يمكنك مراسلتنا من خلال الخيارات الموجودة بالموضوع.. وكذلك يمكنك زيارة القسم , وهنا نبذه عنها وتصفح المواضيع المتنوعه... آخر تحديث للمعلومات بتاريخ اليوم 11/02/2024


[ عبارات عن الأسرة ] 10 عبارات عن الأم وكلام رائع عن عيد الأم # اخر تحديث اليوم 2024-04-27

آخر تحديث منذ 2 شهر و 16 يوم
1 مشاهدة

تم النشر اليوم 2024-04-27 | 10 عبارات عن الأم وكلام رائع عن عيد الأم

Anthology of thin phrases about the mother and her merits

Thanks to youThe mother is a small word and its letters are few, but it contains the greatest meanings of love, giving, tenderness and sacrifice, and it is inexhaustible, dry and not tired rivers, always flowing with a lot of endless sympathy, which is the affectionate chest on which your head is cast and your worries and troubles complain to it.For your age, my mother, you are the guide, and show you if there is a problem with your sermons.My mother is not a day, not a month, not a year. My mother is all of life, Basma Amal, meaning life, in short, the most beautiful country.When I bow to kiss your hands and pour tears of weakness over your chest and beg for glances from your eyes, only then will I feel the fullness of my manhood.When you were young you get sick and the doctor asks you what to complain so you look at your mother and let her answer because you trust that she feels what she feels so do not forget to take care of her when you are old.Ma how can I live without you while you are my heart beating my eyes see and my soul that inhabited my body Yataga I take pride in him among all creatures and I cherish my company with you everywhere.The mother is everything in this life , she is the consolation of sadness and hope in despair and strength in weakness.In my room, I imagine your beloved face enlightening the darkness of the place, oh the pulse of the soul, my sweet heart, my morning chant and the chant of peace, how much I miss you.They say that childhood is the most severe stage of a person’s mother, and he showed me greater and greater with me, my need for it, O God, save my mother and father for me.

مختارات من شعر نزار قباني عن الأم

ونزار قباني من الشعراء الذين ذكروا الأم في العديد من أشعارهم، فلقد كان متعلقاً بأمه تعلقاً كبيراً وكان يصفها دائماً بأنها أشبه بوطنه الذي لا يمكن أن ينفصل عنه، وهذه قصيدة من أجمل ما كتب نزار قباني لأمه.
صباحُ الخيرِ يا حلوة
صباحُ الخيرِ يا قدّيستي الحلوة
مضى عامانِ يا أمّي على الولدِ
الذي أبحر برحلتهِ الخرافيّة
وخبّأَ في حقائبهِ صباحَ بلادهِ
الأخضر وأنجمَها، وأنهُرها
وكلَّ شقيقها الأحمر وخبّأ
في ملابسهِ طرابيناً
منَ النعناعِ والزعتر وليلكةً دمشقية..
أنا وحدي..
دخانُ سجائري يضجر
ومنّي مقعدي يضجر وأحزاني عصافيرٌ.. تفتّشُ –بعدُ- عن بيدر
عرفتُ نساءَ أوروبا..
عرفتُ عواطفَ الإسمنتِ والخشبِ عرفتُ حضارةَ التعبِ

وطفتُ الهندَ، طفتُ السندَ، طفتُ العالمَ الأصفر ولم أعثر
على امرأةٍ تمشّطُ شعريَ الأشقر
وتحملُ في حقيبتها.. إليَّ عرائسَ السكّر
وتكسوني إذا أعرى وتنشُلني إذا أعثَر أيا أمي
أيا أمي..
أنا الولدُ الذي أبحر ولا زالت بخاطرهِ تعيشُ عروسةُ السكّر
فكيفَ.. فكيفَ يا أمي غدوتُ أباً.. ولم أكبر؟
صباحُ الخيرِ من مدريدَ ما أخبارها الفلّة؟
بها أوصيكِ يا أمّاهُ.. تلكَ الطفلةُ الطفلة
فقد كانت أحبَّ حبيبةٍ لأبي..
يدلّلها كطفلتهِ ويدعوها إلى فنجانِ قهوتهِ
ويسقيها.. ويطعمها.. ويغمرها برحمتهِ..
وماتَ أبي ولا زالت تعيشُ بحلمِ عودتهِ
وتبحثُ عنهُ في أرجاءِ غرفتهِ وتسألُ عن عباءتهِ
وتسألُ عن جريدتهِ..
وتسألُ –حينَ يأتي الصيفُ- عن فيروزِ عينيه
Spread over his palms .. Dinars of gold, peace, peace
… to the home of people who love and mercy
To your white flowers … the joy of “Najma Square”
to my sister .. to my books .. to the children of our neighborhood
And walls filled with .. chaos from our writing
to lazy cats sleeping on our east
And for you, a distinguished man on the net of our neighbor
, two years have passed … my mother and the face of Damascus.
A bird scratches our wings, bites our curtains … and
gently tapes us from our fingers

Two years have passed, my mother and Damascus night
. Damascus is the role of Damascus. Our minarets live in our minds.
It lights on our boats as if the Umayyad minarets
were planted inside us .. As if apple nurseries
It streamed in our consciences as if light
and stones all came with us
September came, ma mother,
and sorrow came, he carries me gifts and leaves
I have my lawyer and complaint windows

the mother

No one in the world deserves to write in his love poems, words, and songs as much as the mother, because she is the one who has the greatest favor for every person and without them everything collapses in the life of the individual, and you will be eager to read gentle and wonderful words about the mother, and this is what you will find in this article, we have selected The most beautiful poems and words said about the mother.

Selections from the most beautiful prayers for the mother

Many of his prayers find pleasure in praying for his mother because God gives her from his grace and provides her with health and wellness, and in many cases the words are lost from us and we do not know where to start so we have chosen a group of the most beautiful supplications that we can call on God to preserve and protect the mother, and from the most beautiful These supplications include the following.
O God, spread out the hands with gifts, simpler for my mother than your great grace, your vast presence, by which you explain her breasts to your worship, your obedience, the human beings in you, and work to your liking, and your remembrance will last.O God, grant her a permanent life, a living home, and a righteous deed.Oh God, the honorable and the honored, O neighborhood, O Qayyum, we invite you in your greatest name which, if you were called by it, answered that it was simplified for my mother.O God, grant my mother a lifelong life and above her health, and do not deprive me of her existence and consent and make her happiness as her shadow accompany her.O God, what the Badr people called for help from, so I covered them, and I answered them, so we relieved us of our duty, O Lord of the worlds. Oh God, make my mother stable in Heaven, it is the status that extinguishes from our hearts fire, and separated her in this world.Oh God, make the times of your memory remembered, may God make her happy with your piety, Oh God, make it your guarantee and your safety and charity.She is my mother, my security, my security, my faith and my nation. Oh God, save my mother and father with your eyes that do not sleep, there is no life for me without them.O Lord, do not make in my mother’s heart of sadness and carefree the weight of an atom.Lord, do not show me with my mother weakness that makes me cry and make me one of the two righteous. O God, grant my mother a lifelong life and above her health, and do not deprive me of her existence and consent and make her happiness as her shadow accompany her.

A selection of the most beautiful poems about the mother

As for Arabic poetry, it is replete with the most beautiful poems written about the mother, and we have chosen from the Arabic poetry some of the following selections: –

Poems of Hafez Ibrahim from the mother
I am Ttrbena Khallaal dignified
mirth strange Boobh and convergence
The memory of hypocrisy and dew
among the rocks mock me the longing
If you give birth to a commendable creature
, you may choose to share your livelihood
People have this moment of money, of
knowledge, of morals.
Money, if you did not save
it, was fortified with knowledge. It was the end of impunity
knowing that it was not shrouded in high altitude, it was a failure span.

Do not think that knowledge alone is beneficial
unless God is crowned creatively
From me to raising women,
in the East is the cause of that failure
The mother is a school if you prepare it
أعـددت شـعباً طـيب الأعـراق
The mother is satisfied that his pledge to live by
irrigation is very elegant.
The mother is a professor whose professions
were occupied by the extent of the horizons.
I am not saying they let women walk
among men rushing to the market
They are
inserted where they want, neither from a clamp that warns his neck nor from a condom

Lahaya’s men do
their homeworks
In their role, their affairs are as many as those of the
Lord of the Sword and Almazraq
تتشكّل الأزمان في أدوارها
دولا وهن على الجمود بواقي
فتوسطوا في الحالتين وانصفوا
فالشر في التّقييد والإطلاق
ربوا البنات على الفضيلة إنها
في الموقفين لهن خير وثاق
وعليكم أن تستبين بناتكم نور
الهدى وعلى الحياء الباقي
شاركنا رأيك


لم يعلق احد حتى الآن .. كن اول من يعلق بالضغط هنا

أقسام شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات عملت لخدمة الزائر ليسهل عليه تصفح الموقع بسلاسة وأخذ المعلومات تصفح هذا الموضوع [ عبارات عن الأسرة ] 10 عبارات عن الأم وكلام رائع عن عيد الأم # اخر تحديث اليوم 2024-04-27 ويمكنك مراسلتنا في حال الملاحظات او التعديل او الإضافة او طلب حذف الموضوع ...آخر تعديل اليوم 11/02/2024

اعلانات العرب الآن